Monday, June 17, 2013

For the good of the little people ...

Perhaps Mr. Obama now muses: Why do those little people care about religion or the use the federal government makes of the telephony metadata it collects from and about them? We (people in the government) don't want to listen to their (little people's) telephone calls. We just want to know who they call, who calls them, when the calls are made, and where the calls are made and received. What harmful use could the government possibly make or want to make of such information? In any event, don't they - the little people, that is -- realize that the government is only acting for their own good? How could anyone possibly think that the government might use such information to harm little people? (Joe Stalin, you say? Stasi, you say? The military juntas in various times and places, you say? Well, they weren't American, were they? Res ipsa loquitor, wouldn't you say?) 

Rick Lempert coined (or adopted) an apt phrase that describes the problem we face: the creation of the infrastructure of tyranny.

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