Saturday, April 7, 2012

HAL's Error

To err is human and non-human.

Is error in brain circuitry a precondition of imagination and creativity?

The human brain is soft-wired. The brain's wiring is mushy; it is not in the main metallic; if the brain is a machine, it is - in part - a biological machine, a biological mechanism. (The brain is also chemical, electrical, magnetic, etc. Yes?)

Is it the following the case?: The mushiness of the brain's circuitry helps to explain why non-deterministic human reasoning is possible, why human thoughts and reasoning can burst outside preexisting channels?

But to explain fully the possibility of non-deterministic (non-deductive?) human thought processes -- imagination and creativity -- is it also necessary to suppose that thoughts that burst outside of established circuitry produce a kind of somewhat disordered complexity and chaos? I don't know. But I have a suspicion. (Yes.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Predictability and determinism is death and antevolutionary. It is the out of the box occurrence that allows us to thrive in a chaoticexistence.