Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Putting a Sheen on Old News

Julian Borger, Iran heavy water plant revealed - again The Guardian (Feb. 27, 2013) (blog):

One of the perennial glories of British journalism is the capacity to take old news and give it new life by discovering it all over again. Such was the case on the front page of today's Daily Telegraph, which claims to have found that "Iranhas activated the Arak heavy-water production plant" that in fact started operations in 2004, and was formally opened by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2006.


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Good guys with guns...

If true -- and this is a great big supposition -- , Oscar Pistorius's story illustrates that a good guy with a gun does not always kill a bad guy, a guy who is actually intent on doing harm, but that a good guy with a gun sometimes or often kills a good guy or gal:

David Smith, Oscar Pistorius: 'I thought Reeva Steenkamp was a burglar' The Guardian (Feb. 19, 2013).
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Monday, February 11, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI on Monday said he plans on resigning the papal office on February 28th. Below please find his announcement.

Full text of Pope's declaration

Dear Brothers,

I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry. I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering. However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the barque of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me. For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is.

Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects. And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff. With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.

From the Vatican, 10 February 2013


Listen to Pope Benedict XVI make his announcment:

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

King Richard III -- and People Who Refuse to Forget Injustice

It is heartening to know there are people out there who want to undo an injustice they think was done circa 500 years ago to King Richard III. May Richard III stand in the shoes of millions of forgotten victims. And may God have a memory that is also very long.
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